#annie koyama
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smashpages · 5 months ago
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Annie Koyama will receive the 2024 Spurgeon Award
The curator of the the Koyama Provides grant program will be honored at this year’s Cartoon Crossroads Columbus festival in September.
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graphicpolicy · 5 months ago
Around the Tubes
Some comic news and reviews from around the web to start the day #comics #comicbooks
It was new comic book day yesterday! What’d you all like? Dislike? Sound off in the comments below. While you think about that, here’s some comic news and reviews from around the web to start the day. Smash Pages – Annie Koyama will receive the 2024 Spurgeon Award – Well deserved and congrats! Kotaku – Joker 2 Director Says Gaga’s Harley Quinn Lacks ‘High Voice, Accent,’ And Sass – So, what we…
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comicbookclub · 5 months ago
Annie Koyama To Be Given Third Annual Spurgeon Award At CXC 2024
Annie Koyama will be honored with the third annual Spurgeon Award at this year's artoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC).
We’re a little over a month away from this year’s Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), but we know at least one event that will happen at the convention… Annie Koyama, founder of Koyama Press, will be honored with the third annual Spurgeon Award. “Annie Koyama is a beacon in the world of independent comics,” said Caitlin McGurk, CXC Awards Committee Chair, via a press release provided to Comic…
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comicbookclublive · 5 months ago
Annie Koyama To Be Given Third Annual Spurgeon Award At CXC 2024
Annie Koyama will be honored with the third annual Spurgeon Award at this year's artoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC).
We’re a little over a month away from this year’s Cartoon Crossroads Columbus (CXC), but we know at least one event that will happen at the convention… Annie Koyama, founder of Koyama Press, will be honored with the third annual Spurgeon Award. “Annie Koyama is a beacon in the world of independent comics,” said Caitlin McGurk, CXC Awards Committee Chair, via a press release provided to Comic…
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noamsussman · 1 year ago
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Happy Hanukkah!
This is Home Alone 1944 aka Home Alone x Anne Frank
Page 3 of 8 - I’ll be posting one a day throughout Hanukkah. Stay tuned for more! Hope you’re all enjoying some latkes and jelly donuts!
This comic was funded by the Koyama Provides grant I received last year. Big thanks to Annie Koyama!
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ambrenoir · 4 months ago
I gatti hanno sempre avuto un posto speciale nel cuore dei giapponesi.
Ma il capostazione Tama, una gatta tricolore, è riuscita a catturare il cuore di un'intera città e contribuire con 1,1 miliardi di yen all'economia locale.
La stazione di Kishi a Kinokawa, nella prefettura di Wakayama, in Giappone, fa parte della linea ferroviaria elettrica di Wakayama.
Nel 2004, la stazione rischiava la chiusura e venne salvata solo dalla protesta della gente del posto.
Tuttavia, due anni dopo, la compagnia ferroviaria decise di togliere il personale a tutte le stazioni sulla linea Kishigawa per risparmiare sui costi.
A quel tempo, il direttore della stazione era Toshiko Koyama, un uomo che aveva iniziato a nutrire un gruppo di gatti randagi che vivevano vicino alla stazione.
Una gatta di razza calico di nome Tama era particolarmente apprezzata dai pendolari, essendo sia mite che amichevole.
La si trovava spesso a prendere il sole alla stazione, felice di essere accarezzata e coccolata dai passanti.
Quando giunse il momento per il signor Koyama di procedere, chiese che la linea ferroviaria continuasse a prendersi cura di Tama.
Il presidente dell'epoca, Mitsunobu Kojima, era così preso dal gatto che non solo ne fece ufficialmente il capostazione nel 2007, ma le fece anche fare un cappellino.
Lo stipendio del gatto era pari a un anno di cibo per gatti e le fu dato un cartellino d'oro con il suo nome e la sua posizione impressi su di esso.
In qualità di capostazione, il ruolo di Tama non era solo quello di salutare i passeggeri e il personale ferroviario, ma anche quello di promuovere la ferrovia.
In effetti, la pubblicità aumentò il numero di passeggeri in visita a Kishi del 17% solo in quel mese.
A marzo 2007, le statistiche indicavano che il 10% in più di persone viaggiava sui treni solo per vedere Tama.
Il capostazione Tama guadagnò rapidamente fans...
Nel marzo 2008, Tama fu promossa a "capostazione super", un titolo che le valse addirittura un "ufficio" - vale a dire una biglietteria convertita con una lettiera e un letto.
Tama dimostrò di essere così popolare che il negozio di articoli da regalo iniziò a creare dei souvenir di Tama, come badge, portachiavi e caramelle.
I riconoscimenti continuavano e nell'ottobre 2008 Tama fu nominata cavaliere.
Per questo, un vestitino blu con volant al collo di pizzo bianco venne realizzato appositamente per il gatto.
Quando giunse la stagione dei bonus, Tama ricevette uno speciale giocattolo per gatti e una fetta di polpa di granchio, che le servì lo stesso presidente della compagnia.
Un suo ritratto speciale fu commissionato per essere appeso nella stazione.
Nel 2009, il pluripremiato designer industriale Eiji Mitooka fu assunto per progettare un "treno Tama" con raffigurazioni a fumetti del famoso gatto.
La parte anteriore del treno venne dotata di baffi, e all'interno le carrozze avevano pavimenti in legno e scaffali di libri per bambini.
Le porte si aprivano al suono preregistrato del miagolio di Tama.
Anche l'edificio della stazione venne ristrutturato da Mitooka nel 2010.
Il nuovo design assomigliava alla faccia di un gatto, incorporando le orecchie sul tetto.
Ci sono persino finestre stilizzate che sporgono dal tetto di paglia che imitano gli occhi di un gatto, specialmente la sera in cui le luci all'interno le fanno brillare di giallo.
Nel suo quarto anno come capostazione nel 2011, Tama fu promossa a Managing Executive Officer, la terza posizione più alta, appena sotto il presidente della società e l'amministratore delegato.
A quel punto, aveva già due assistenti capostazione: sua sorella Chibi e sua madre Miiko.
Dopo aver ricoperto il suo ruolo per sei anni, fu elevata al grado di presidente onorario della Wakayama Electric Rail.
Tuttavia, a questo punto, Tama aveva 14 anni e venne deciso che invece di essere visibile in ufficio dal lunedì al sabato, Tama sarebbe stata lì solo dal martedì al venerdì.
La sua morte avvenne il 22 giugno 2015 in un ospedale veterinario. Alcuni giorni dopo la scomparsa fu celebrato un funerale shintoista e Tama fu dichiarata "Onorevole Capostazione per l'Eternità".
Viene oggi onorata in un tempio vicino come divinità.
(Annalisa Susini)
(assemblato da Simone Chiarelli pag FB il piacere della scoperta)
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had a dream where apparently it was like a plot thing that the mikus got human forms in like the 3rd anni? event? and they like had completely different vas instad of just being voiced by her vb (since. yknow. theyre humans now) or even just being voiced by saki fujita as normal, i think they were the same as the vas from the colourful arena au (so like for example 25jiku was voiced by rikiya koyama? and l/nku was voiced by junichi suwabe and i can't remember the rest of the vas rn). her singing voice was still the vb but all the area convos were updated to have the new vas. basically everyone in the fandom was so upset
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arecomicsevengood · 2 years ago
Issue 309 of The Comics Journal should be in stores now. Gary Groth interviews Annie Koyama, John Porcellino interviews Ines Estrada, Kristy Valenti interviews Hyena Hell, Helen Chazan writes about Saga, and I write about Nick Drnaso’s work in it. Features a great Jesse Jacobs cover and sketchbook drawings by Henriette Valium.
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sequentialartistsworkshop · 5 years ago
Koyama Press Scholarship for the May Workshop
Annie Koyama of Koyama Press and SAW are happy to present a scholarship for ONE student interested in our MAY 11-15, 2020 week-long workshop.
Our week-long workshops are designed for beginners and experienced students alike. Our personalized, supportive learning environment is designed to move any project ahead by leaps and bounds. SAW is a home-away-from-home for cartoonists and artists—participants have travelled from as far as Japan to study at our Low Res weeks, and this year, Koyama Press wants to sponsor one student’s tuition and housing.
More information about the week-long workshop is here: https://www.sequentialartistsworkshop.org/weeklong-workshops-and-residencies
Interested applicants can fill the Scholarship Application Form here: https://forms.gle/w5NawuDhr2VGx2SAA
FINAL DATE TO APPLY: March 11, 2020
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koyamapress · 6 years ago
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Columbus Alive has a feature on the future of Koyama Press and the Koyama and Friends gallery show at the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum check it out here!
Kickass Annie by Jesse Jacobs!
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screentonetv · 6 years ago
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I had a great time at Cartoon Crossroads Columbus. It’s a festival built around the the Billy Ireland Cartoon Museum at Ohio State University, and a two-day expo/convention at the Columbus Main Library. There were also screenings at the Wexner Art Center and the Columbus College of Art and Design. And more???
This year the Billy Ireland is showing an exhibition of Annie Koyama’s collection of original artwork by artists she’s published. It was really big! And good! There was a MAD Magazine exhibit, too. The coolest part of the Museum is the Reading Room. You can just walk in and request to see work from their collection, and they’ll bring it out of storage and give you little white gloves. I saw some Will Eisner and Garrett Price and a lot of Barbara Shermund, a New Yorker cartoonist who I think will have an exhibit of her own later in the year.
I loved the screening of Sally Cruikshank’s animated films. She made psychadelic animated films in the 1970′s through the 1980′s and eventually worked on Sesame Street. She did the animation for a few songs you might remember. My favorite of those was “From Your Head.” 
The Expo was good. It’s not as big as SPX, but the sales were not too bad. I want to do it again next year! A lot of great cartoonists attended. I was so happy to meet a bunch of internet friends for the first time, and also make new ones. All the Billy Ireland staff and the show volunteers were great. This show did a great job of training pro-active volunteers who made an effort to be available and help exhibitor. They were cool.
Thank you to everyone at the show who was cool and friendly. I hope I was! I had a good time but also I tried to enjoy these days as a vacation and not hit every part of the programming. The show is nicely spread around Columbus so I enjoyed spending time downtown, around the library, German Village, the Short North, and the university area. Seems like there are a thousand good bars and breweries, and the drinking is way cheaper than LA. I really loved the community involvement in the show.
CXC is put together by an amazing group of local cartoonists and institutions working overtime to make it great. They have an emerging cartoonist award with a BIG CASH PRIZE that’s handed to the winner on the show floor (Congratulations Keren Katz!!!). The staff reaches out and goes out of their way to find accommodations for guests and exhibitors. If you’re worried about the cost of a hotel, they will make it work. For real! The Museum is amazing and everyone from the curators to the part-time student staff is friendly and cool. Someone on the museum board threw a huge party for us in his high-rise law firm’s office downtown. The festival organizer Tom Spurgeon works crazy overtime on everything, and yet his generosity and gregariousness never let up.
They already have the dates up on their website: September 26th through the 29th. Let’s go next year!
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smashpages · 3 years ago
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Annie Koyama will receive the 2022 Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award
The former publisher’s grant initiative for comics creators, Koyama Provides, has given out almost $300,000 to comics creators.
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graphicpolicy · 3 years ago
Around the Tubes
Some comic news and reviews from around the web to start the day #comics #comicbooks
It was new comic book day yesterday! What’d you all get? What’d you enjoy? Sound off in the comments below. While you think about that, here’s some comic news and reviews from around the web. The Beat – Annie Koyama to be presented with the Clampett Award – Well deserved. Kotaku – Becoming Batman Was A Coming Out Of Sorts For Legendary Voice Actor Kevin Conroy – A hero in many ways. Kotaku –…
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brokenfrontier · 4 years ago
Thank You, Annie Koyama! - Paying a Broken Frontier Tribute to the Inspirational Koyama Press
Thank You, Annie Koyama! – Paying a Broken Frontier Tribute to the Inspirational Koyama Press
This is a long overdue blog piece but it seems a particularly appropriate article to be posting today… As we’re all aware Koyama Press, the publishing outfit that have exhausted our superlatives stockpiles over the years here at Broken Frontier, recently shut up shop after bringing us some of the very best comics craft we’ve seen over the last decade-plus, and undeniably forever changing the…
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virtualmemoriespodcast · 5 years ago
Episode 351 - Annie Koyama
Small press comics publisher Annie Koyama joins the show to talk about her decision to shut down Koyama Press after 13 years, her thoughts on how artists should be treated (and how they should treat themselves), and how to make the most out of life after getting a terminal diagnosis. We get into what comes next in her support for the arts, how the publishing business has changed and what risks she can and can't take, the near-death experience that led her to launch Koyama Press (and the accidental naming of the company), and the most surprising success in her backlist. We also discuss how her artists took the news, what she'll miss the most, the importance of supporting artists throughout all stages of their careers, how not even her previous careers in film and advertising could prepared her for the world of art comics publishing, and more! • More info at our site • Support The Virtual Memories Show via Patreon or Paypal
Check out the new episode of The Virtual Memories Show
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noamsussman · 1 year ago
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Happy Hanukkah!
This is Home Alone 1944 aka Home Alone x Anne Frank
Page 2 of 8 - I’ll be posting one a day throughout Hanukkah. Stay tuned for more! Hope you're all enjoying some latkes and jelly donuts!
This comic was funded by the Koyama Provides grant I received last year. Big thanks to Annie Koyama!
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